injection molding side actions

Injection Molding Side Actions Definition, Types, and Applications

September 13, 2024

When traditional straight-pull molds have limitations in creating complex geometries, the injection molding side actions come. Injection molding side actions allow for the creation of complex geometries and undercuts without compromising the integrity of the molded part. In this post, we will explore what are injection molding side actions, how it works, types of injection molding works, and design guidelines.

What Are Injection Molding Side Actions?

Injection molding side actions are specialized mechanisms designed to enhance the capabilities of traditional injection molding by allowing the creation of complex geometries, particularly undercuts. Injection molding side actions are movable components within a mold that slide in a direction perpendicular to the main axis of the mold. This lateral movement enables the formation of intricate features that cannot be achieved with standard straight-pull molds.

How do Injection Molding Side Actions Work?

The operation of side actions involves a systematic process during the injection molding cycle. When the mold closes, the side actions move into the mold cavity, allowing for the formation of undercuts or other complex features. This movement is guided by angle pins that interlock with the side actions, ensuring precise positioning. Once the molding process is complete, hydraulic or mechanical actuators retract the side actions, creating space for the part to be ejected without damage. This controlled retraction is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the molded components.

Types of Injection Molding Side Actions

Injection molding side actions are essential components that enable the creation of complex geometries and undercuts in molded parts. Here are the main types of injection molding side actions:

1. Cams

Cams are mechanisms that allow mold surfaces to withdraw from undercut areas during the opening of the mold. They typically use an angled pin to control movement, enabling precise geometric designs without the need for manual adjustments. Cams facilitate the production of intricate details that standard molding cannot achieve and help reduce the need for secondary operations like machining.

2. Lifters

Lifters are used to create internal undercuts or features that need to be released without a draft. They operate similarly to cams but are specifically designed for internal features such as threads or bosses. Lifters move into position during mold closure and retract during opening, allowing for the efficient production of parts with complex internal geometries.

3. Sliders

Sliders, also known as side slides, create external undercut features by collapsing into place via a cam mechanism as the mold closes. They withdraw as the mold opens, allowing for the ejection of parts with features that cannot be formed with the main core and cavity. Sliders are particularly useful for external features that require precise alignment.

4. Unscrewing

Unscrewing actions involve either automated or manual mechanisms that twist and untwist to create threaded features. This type of side action is crucial for ensuring consistent production of threads without damaging them during the ejection process. Unscrewing actions are particularly beneficial in high-volume production environments where thread integrity is essential.

5. Collapsible Core

Collapsible cores are designed to create circular undercut features. They function similarly to lifters but are specifically tailored for circular geometries. These cores collapse inward during the ejection process, providing clearance for part removal while maintaining the integrity of the molded feature.

Design Considerations for Injection Molding Side Actions

When incorporating side actions into injection mold designs, there are several key factors to consider to ensure optimal performance and part quality.

Placement of Side Actions

Side actions must be placed on the exterior parting line of the part, as they move perpendicular to the main mold opening direction. The placement of side actions is crucial, as it impacts the overall mold layout, component clearances, and accessibility for maintenance. Careful consideration should be given to the location of side actions to avoid interference with other mold components and ensure efficient operation.

Size and Travel Length Restrictions

There are limitations on the size of side action components and their travel length. Larger side actions require more space in the mold base, which can increase overall mold size and cost. Additionally, longer travel lengths may compromise the stability and precision of side action movement. Designers must balance the required side action size and travel with the available mold space and cost constraints.

Impact on Mold Complexity and Cost

Incorporating side actions into mold designs increases the overall complexity and cost of the mold. Side actions require additional components such as angle pins, cam mechanisms, and actuators, which add to the manufacturing complexity and material costs. The number and type of side actions used will directly impact the mold cost, so designers must carefully evaluate the necessity and complexity of side actions based on the part requirements.

Timing and Synchronization

Proper timing and synchronization of side action movement is crucial for ensuring part quality and preventing damage. Side actions must engage and retract at precise points during the molding cycle to create the desired features and allow for smooth part ejection. Designers must consider the timing of side action movement in relation to mold closing, material injection, cooling, and ejection to optimize the process.

Maintenance and Accessibility

When designing side action molds, it’s important to consider maintenance requirements and accessibility of components. Side actions are subjected to wear and may require periodic inspection and replacement. Designers should incorporate features that facilitate easy access to side action components for maintenance, such as modular designs and strategically placed access points in the mold base.

Side Action Injection Molding Applications in Complex Part Design

Side action injection molding is a versatile technique that enhances the capabilities of traditional injection molding by enabling the creation of complex geometries and features. Here are some key applications of side-action injection molding:

Creating Undercuts

Side actions are primarily used to create undercuts in molded parts. Undercuts are features that extend inward or outward from the main part geometry, which can complicate part removal from a standard mold. By using side actions, manufacturers can design parts with holes, slots, and threads that would otherwise be impossible to mold using straight-pull methods. This capability is essential for applications requiring intricate designs, such as electronic housings or automotive components, where functionality and aesthetics are critical.

Molding Tall, Thin Parts with Minimal Draft

Side actions allow for the efficient molding of tall, thin parts while minimizing the required draft angles. For example, when molding a test tube, traditional methods may necessitate additional draft and wall thickness to facilitate ejection. By employing side actions, the part can be oriented to lay flat, allowing the mold to open sideways and reducing the draft requirement. This design flexibility is particularly beneficial in industries where precise dimensions are crucial, such as in medical device manufacturing.

Forming Sharp Edges and Reducing Draft Requirements

The use of side actions enables the creation of sharp edges on external corners of molded parts. This capability allows designers to produce parts with clean lines and precise features while reducing the need for excessive draft angles. By minimizing draft requirements, manufacturers can achieve higher-quality finishes and more accurate part geometries, which is especially important in consumer products and high-precision applications.

Adding Text, Logos, or Recesses on Part Exteriors

Side actions can also be utilized to incorporate text, logos, or decorative recesses directly onto the exterior surfaces of molded parts. This feature enhances branding opportunities and allows for greater customization without the need for additional post-processing steps. By integrating these elements into the mold design, manufacturers can streamline production and reduce costs associated with secondary operations like pad printing or labeling.


Injection molding side actions enhance the design flexibility and capabilities of the injection molding process by enabling undercuts, sharp edges, and intricate features. When selecting a plastic injection mold maker, you must choose a partner with extensive industry experience, advanced technology, and a skilled design team. Such a partner can deliver high-quality molds that meet your specific requirements and deadlines. A reliable mold maker should offer flexible customization options to accommodate unique part designs. Consider partnering with a trusted provider like X-Mold for expert injection mold tooling services.